The Jackson County School District participates in School Choice. Applications can be obtained from the district’s Administration Office, in the designated location and dropped off in the same location in the mail slot. The Administration Office is located at 300 North Dowell Avenue in Tuckerman.
New applicants requesting consideration to begin enrollment within the Jackson County School District must complete an application. Each completed application must be received by the district no later than May 1, 2024.
Questions regarding School Choice can be forwarded to the Jackson County School District at 870-349-2232
1. The parent that wishes to send their child to Jackson county school district must have this paper filled out by May 1, 2024 for the fall semester.
2. If a parent wants to send their child to another school district and lives in the JCSD, the parent must file that application with the school district in which they wish to attend.
3. If you are already a freedom of choice student, there is no reason to fill out another form unless there is to be an added sibling.
If you have questions, please call