This week is about our pets being a part of our family! We have been building shelters and obstacle courses for our pets.
Chemical Change Cafe
Pancake Lab
One week left for our athletic fundraiser. Calendars are due Oct. 2nd. This fundraiser helps fund all of our athletic programs throughout the year. Find a athlete and show your support. Your donations are greatly appreciated! Go Dawgs!
She began the season by earning medalist honors in her first 8 matches. Today, Taryn Sink capped off a wonderful season by finishing in 6th place in the 3A state tournament by shooting an 85. This also earned her ALL-STATE honors as well. Congratulations Taryn! #GoBulldogs.
The Flu Shot Clinic will be October 4th. The forms have been sent home today. Please return them by Friday, September 29th.
This week in pre-K we have been learning that pets are important family members. They need love and care just like all other family members. This week our children are learning how pets fit into the family and how to care for them. They are also learning which pets are the most popular choices for most families. In today’s math small group we learned to concentrate as we counted. As the children listened to a song, “Hey, Little Froggie” they were to rote count for each number they said. We continued to do this in different quantities. We also had children to roll our pocket cubes and perform the action that was on the cube with the number of dots showing on the other.
In our STEAM, we selected a pet model and designed a shelter for them to live. We also talked about the variety of materials we would need to take care of the pet.
5th grade practiced adding and subtracting decimals with a Scavenger Hunt today!
The THS Tennis Team finished their regular season today against Cedar Ridge. Now on to District Tournament starting Monday at Allen Park in Jonesboro
Taryn Sink had a great practice round for 3A state golf today. State tournament tees off tomorrow at 9:00 at Cooper’s Hawk in Melbourne. Go Taryn, take state!! #GoBulldogs!
U of A Recruiter at the High School tomorrow during lunch!
4th grade has been learning about the metric system and today they used a balance scale to find equal weights of classroom items in grams.
Animal Science class have been incubating eggs and they did their first candling of the eggs this morning, with some fantastic results! Hopefully a good hatch is on its’ way!
Our THS Bulldog Band performed at the ASTATE Band Day halftime show with hundreds of other band students from around the area as well as the ASTATE Marching Band. #yayband #bulldogband
The after school program for k-6 on the Tuckerman Elementary Campus will be on Monday and Wednesday starting this week and moving forward.
Shout out to Ms. Heather Gage and her Art class for making posters to support ASUN Aviators Softball
Big shout out to Ms. Callahan and her leadership students for making the Aviators softball team feel welcome here at JCSD this Saturday. We are also proud of our former Lady Bulldogs Laci Worthington and Anna Fortenberry who are members of the Aviators softball team.
The 5th graders visited the playground today to explore their 5 senses. They brought a snack for the sense of taste. They are learning to make their writing more descriptive by adding sensory details.
The Swifton Toddlers have been learning about their extended family this week. A special Papa come and planted pumpkins with us. We added items that we would find at a grandmas house to our centers. & Our class pet, Peaches tried on her Halloween costume.
The Tuckerman Elementary Staff would like to say Thank You to Unity Health for our shirts!! 🐾Go Bulldogs
Students in 8th and 9th grade preAP literacy classes were able to choose how to analyze our class novels, either in Literature Circles with discussion groups and job tasks or independently by creating a discussion board with the same material.